Elbow shoulder rehabilitation

Elbow shoulder rehabilitation

Studi, ricerche e libri
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D. Carli – S. Di Giacomo
Preparazione atletica e Riabilitazione
Fondamenti del movimento umano, scienza e traumatologia dello sport, principi di trattamento riabilitativo.
Riassunto dell’opera Il corpo umano è una macchina, che deve essere messa in condizione di funzionare nel migliore dei modi.
Quella di un atleta agonista è una vettura da…
Porcellini Giuseppe
Rotini Roberto
Stignani Kantar Susanna
Di Giacomo Silvia

The Elbow

Principles of Surgical Treatment and Rehabilitation
This book provides readers with detailed guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of injuries and disorders of the elbow, including dislocation, complex instability, articular fractures, epicondylitis and epitrochleitis, distal biceps and triceps tendon injuries, peripheral nerve pathology, snapping triceps syndrome, elbow stiffness, and upper limb compartment syndrome. The choice between conservative and surgical treatment in different settings is clearly explained, and detailed advice offered on selection of surgical technique. A separate section provides a deeper understanding of the most common sports-related elbow pathologies, and their management, based on careful correlation with the movements performed by athletes in particular sports. Extensive consideration is also given to rehabilitation and physiotherapy protocols…